
A new start for Syracuse Smash after Elite Gaming regional

Elite Gaming Regional 4 29 2023 5 2

69 players in the Central New York Ultimate scene and beyond came to Syracuse on April 29 for Elite Gaming’s first smash tournament at the city’s esports arena, situated inside of The Museum of Science and Technology downtown.  

The event ran super smoothly. We had things finished in good time and there were no conflicts. Plus, the venue had a really big stage with a huge projector in the back to view matches.

Having so many people show up from out of region was a great time and everyone I talked to afterwards agreed! 

I’d like to thank Elite Gaming for the opportunity and support of Syracuse Smash with the $500 pot bonus. 

We are going to be hosting monthlies at Elite Gaming for the foreseeable future, which will be huge in growing the local and regional scene further. The first of these events starts on May 20. Smash @ LTL biweeklies will continue as normal.

Photos by AGN | Eclipse

In the future we’re hoping to have the stream projected into the planetarium (which looks sick). 

Also thank you to Oblivion TOs from the Southern Tier for the contribution to the pot bonus!

Related: Frame 12 in Rochester, another regional focused on Melee, 64 and  P+, took place on the same day

New Partnerships for Syracuse Smash

Syracuse Smash is also now partnered with local FGC organization Attack from All Sides and rocking their brand for future events! 

As KangasKhanh said in the Syracuse Discord, AFAS is on an ongoing effort to bring the Syracuse communities together so that we can share opportunities and grow as one. 

We will be cooperating with them so smash and other fighting games can be hosted together, offering more opportunities for gamers to enjoy their favorite games and be introduced to others.


Syracuse Smash at Elite Gaming Results
Syracuse Smash at Elite Gaming Results
Ultimate Singles Top 8 (69 Entrants)PlayerCharacter
1stTR Slingshot (Binghamton/Queens)Diddy Kong
2ndDraxsel (Syracuse)Captain Falcon
3rdHaars (Corning)Peach
4thBURNT Noke (Rochester)Pyra/Mythra
5thRoukuggle (Delaware)Zero Suit Samus
5thHikari (Binghamton)Sora
7thWing (Ithaca)Yoshi
7thLiyrex (Rochester)Roy
Ultimate Singles Top 4 (20 Teams)Players
1stHikari / SlingShot
2ndNaga / Clibs
3rdnullus / Liyrex
4thHaars / Amaryllis

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