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Zanya, SassyFlygon crowned at Smash’s 2024 King of Upstate [Photo Gallery]
Kicking off the summer, King of Upstate crowned two dominant figures as King and Queen in the scene for Ultimate and Melee, as smash joined the FGC celebration for the first time.

Going to Mars: Triple Header for Frame 14
Mars goes over her experience at the triple header of Melee tournaments of CR Clash #95, The Prowling Grounds #93, and Frame 14

Frame 14: Record attendance as Upstate gains a 64 major (Photo Gallery)
Frame 14 was the biggest in the regional series yet, with record 64 and near-record Melee attendance.

Bearcat Brawl 7: Seeing off Upstate’s best with a passion [Photo Gallery]
A run-of-the-mill iteration of Binghamton’s monthly, Bearcat Brawl 7, very soon grew into a 53-entrant, region-wide Melee sendoff for Jmook when he announced it would his last event before heading off to Los Angeles.

Frame 13: Fresh starts and a bright future (Photo Gallery)
Frame 13 in many ways harkens in a new era for the region, especially for Melee.

Quit Your Friendlies 5 – two days of Smash & FGC at the Buffalo Riverworks [Photo Gallery]
Buffalo’s regional Quit Your Friendlies made a big splash at the Riverworks for its 5th iteration, with a new venue, spreading the event over two days, and attracting over 200 entrants.

A new start for Syracuse Smash after Elite Gaming regional
69 players in the Central New York Ultimate scene and beyond came to Syracuse on April 29 for Elite Gaming’s first smash tournament at the city’s esports arena, situated inside of The Museum of Science and Technology downtown.

Introducing: Rising Rivals, a new Roc-area org looking to bring hype to Upstate Smash events
Rising Rivals, or 2RR for short, is starting a new summer biweekly series NIGHT CITY at the Great Lakes Gaming Lounge starting May 11