Frame 15: Bread (Photo Gallery)
Frame 15 makes history, becoming the largest Melee event ever in Upstate, outdoing Ghost Pepper Smash hosted by RPI.
This event was also marked by a move to the newly constructed Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Melee had a star studded lineup, including players on, and hopeful for, the SSBMRank Top 100. Upstate legend Jmook makes a triumphant return to the region after his move to SoCal, as well a number of Upstate’s current finest.
Nounsvitational compendium/vote winners BING and Agent, as well as Zanya, alright, ayeGiohh, SUPER ARMADA (MOOSE), & SwebBy, a small carpool from Penn State of Jbhmax and Upstate-born lumor, and many strong competitors from Ontario, such as Maher, Goosekhan, Ampp, Quiggles, and Joey Bats.
Even more shocking: a rare tournament appearance from Melee legend & coach KirbyKaze, after finding himself “cosmically linked” with upstate after the Upstate Crews League.
64 was a bit smaller than previous iterations of the Frame series, but still had some notable travelers such as Cagt and DK Jugador.
However, the most memorable moment of the event for many would not be anything that happened in the brackets, but rather the fact that throughout the entire event, many attendees would randomly be seen eating or carrying around loaves of bread. Upstate TO Eclipse had this story to tell:
I went to Nathan’s [Soup & Salad] with the 585FighterZ crew. one of the workers asked if i was wearing a melee shirt (i had the buffalo melee shirt on). I said yes and the other worker came over. i told them how we had frame on 4th floor of shed and they should join us after their shift (nathans was closing in 10 minutes). i ordered 2 loaves of the rosemary and olive oil bread and they asked if i wanted a whole bag for the price of the 2 so i said sure. after their shift, they got the bag and first walked into Crouching Tigers (the ult/roa event on 3rd floor) and were like “we are looking for melee”. they told them to go to the 4th floor and were given some bread for helping. so then they found frame and dropped off the bread
Photo Galleries
A big thanks yet again to @Atheen_Art for showing up and taking pictures! If you are at all appreciative of her photos, you can leave her a tip. Click here for a link to her full gallery.
In addition, I took a good number of photos myself, between the main event on Saturday, as well as the Startup Frames pre-local on Friday. If you are at all appreciative of my photos, you can leave me a tip.
Startup Frames: Direct Link
Frame 15: Direct Link
And finally, here’s a 64 photo album assembled by Bobakanoosh, which you can find the direct link to here.
See all brackets here.
Melee Singles
1. FLY | Jmook (S-Tier)
2. upstate | Zanya (Rochester)
3. NSE | Maher (Ontario)
4. Goosekhan (Ontario)
5. BING (Buffalo)
5. zoist | Ampp (Ontario)
7. VWBG | alright (CR)
7. UMF | Agent (CR)
Melee Doubles
1. UMF (Jmook / Agent)
2. BingBox (BING / Jank)
3. sigma 2 sigma (LordTet / Zanya)
4. SwebBy / ayeGiohh
5. Seagucket (Seagulls / Legion)
5. Higgins / CeeLew
7. MOOvie (Avie / SUPER ARMADA)
7. Family Guy Funny Moments (Coriamon / Goosekhan)
64 Singles
1. Robert
2. LAST STAND | etab
3. Bobakanoosh
4. RNG | Cagt
5. SP | X_O^əř
5. Jello
7. schickler
7. Sled
64 Doubles
1. etab / Sled
2. Robert / Jello
3. Piboi / X_O^əř
4. DK Jugador / Cagt
5. J64 / Skitter
5. PEACEPRIZE / Bobakanoosh
7. Salad / InsertURL
7. Blooky / Tsunami
Melee Amateur
1. HotSauce (Buffalo)
2. govolow (S-Tier)
3. NotChrisFarley (Rochester)
4. Squeegee (Buffalo)
5. firestarW (S-Tier)
5. NicelyDressedDad (Syracuse)
7. Kusa (Rochester)
7. Venus (S-Tier)
Project+ Singles
1. BING (Buffalo)
2. Graapefruit (Ontario)
3. Balatro Player | Legion (Buffalo)
4. Sled (Rochester)
5. Coriamon (Ontario)
5. DWG | Toxzis (S-Tier)
7. Skitter (Buffalo)
7. RVL | Blooky (S-Tier)
Melee Upsets
Winners Pools
Pool 1: wcbq (65) 2-0 HotSauce (64) – UF 1
Pool 4: flaw (68) 2-1 NotChrisFarley (61) – UF 1
Pool 4: lumor (20) 2-1 Jango UU (13) – UF 1
Pool 5: Avie (37) 2-0 Clay (28) – UF 1
Pool 5: CeeLew (21) 2-1 Alright (12) – UF 2
Pool 7: Legion (26) 2-1 ayeGiohh (7) – UF 4
Pool 8: VOx (72) 2-1 Squeegee (57) – UF 1
Pool 8: lopo (88) 2-0 shrub (41) – UF 2
Pool 8: SwebBy (9) 2-1 Quiggles (8) – UF 1
Losers Pools
Pool 1: Nicky 🙂 (49) 2-1 Young Love (48) – UF 1
Pool 2: DIZZYPOTION (98) 2-0 Minerva (95) – UF 1
Pool 2: DIZZYPOTION (98) 2-1 KYOU (82) – UF 1
Pool 2: Mia (34) 2-0 MonkHB (18) – UF 2
Pool 3: RSQ (62) 2-0 Spiritor (35) – UF 1
Pool 4: flaw (68) 2-1 Skitter (36) – UF 2
Pool 4: mars (29) 2-1 Jango UU (13) – UF 2
Pool 5: Naga (108) 2-0 InsertURL (85) – UF 1
Pool 5: Silo (76) 2-0 Clay (28) – UF 3
Pool 6: DPD (27) 2-0 Jbhmax (22) – UF 1
Pool 7: Markokop (55) 2-1 Ryan “ArStar” Allen (42) – UF 1
Pool 7: Zachhhh (58) 2-0 Seagulls (39) – UF 1
Pool 8: Sibo (104) 2-0 Plum (89) – UF 1
Top 24 Winners
Ampp (10) 3-1 Zanya (2) – UF 5
Maher (6) 3-1 Agent (3) – UF 2
Top 24 Losers
SUPER ARMADA (17) 3-0 LordTet (11) – UF 2
SUPER ARMADA (17) 3-2 Cowbell (14) – UF 1
The 64 Report from Bobakanoosh
Toxzis 2-0 Salad (UF 3)
KirbyKaze 2-0 Mobile Gear Enjoyer (UF 2)
Toxzis 2-0 Goji (UF 2)
Jello 2-0 Jboss (UF 1)
Cagt 2-0 X0v3r (UF 1)
Conceit 2-1 Schickler (UF 1)
PEACEPRIZE 2-0 Mobile Gear Enjoyer (UF 1)
Naga 2-0 Skitter (UF 1)
slenderMax 2-1 Goji (UF 1)
Sibo 2-1 ayeMerks (UF 1)
Top 16:
Cagt 3-2 X0v3r (UF 2)
DK Jugador 3-1 Sled (UF 1)
Cagt 2-0 Jello (UF 1)
J64 2-0 Conceit (UF 1)
Sled 2-0 Jboss (UF 1)
Notable Performances:
– Naga, InsertURL, and PEACEPRIZE, who made it out of their Round Robin pools to top 16 as the 23rd, 19th, and 17th seeds respectively
– Cagt, who finished 4th as the 7th seed, showing large improvement from last Frame
Startup Frames:
Frame 15:
Frame 15 Side Stream:
Startup Frames:
Frame 15 (Part 1):
Frame 15 (Part 2):