Smash @ RetroGameCon – Regional with Old-School Roots Back on the Convention Floor: Photo Gallery

Syracuse smash returned earlier this month to the floor of Upstate NY’s biggest gaming convention, RetroGameCon. Storied TO TheManaLord took the lead on organizing the large event, potentially for the last time.
While some of the hard hitters from Upstate were instead tearing it up at The Big House 10, Ultimate singles had a great showing of 69 entrants while Melee singles had a not-too-shabby showing itself with 28 entrants in the so-called “humble edition” of the Cusetown Beatdown series.

Players from Syracuse, Binghamton, Rochester, Buffalo, and more made their way out for these premier events alongside fun side brackets in Ultimate Squad Strike and Melee low tiers. Each event had players fighting for a cut of a $700 overall pot bonus contributed by RetroGameCon, TheManaLord, and MonkHB between taking part in the convention.
With help from TOs like Zinc, Poseidon, & Oats, the event went smoothly aside from running the clock, with Star Breaker, Draxsel, and SassyFlygon having to split the winnings for Ultimate Singles due to the venue’s time restrictions.
Check out the photos from the event, and apologies for anyone missed!
Alternative link to the photo gallery
Congrats to the top 8 of both Singles events!

Plus, a message from the head TO:

Here’s to a future of further big events in the city at the center of Upstate!
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